Sustainable natural resource management
En nuestro afán por seguir avanzando e investigando, CASI cuenta con un laboratorio post-cosecha desde el año 1994, donde se analiza el comportamiento de unas 80-100 variedades entre comerciales y material nuevo por campaña. Realizamos estudios de packaging, films, así como diferentes técnicas de conservación y desinfección para garantizar la calidad de nuestros productos y buscando siempre hacerlo de la forma más sostenible.
Actualmente, estamos en vías de certificarnos en el Módulo Spring de Globalgap, en huella de carbono y estudiando también el certificar producto en Huella hídrica.
Our own tests
In cooperation with technological centres, reference universities and companies
Chlorine dioxide effectiveness on water treatment for irrigation and rinsing
Effect on the microbial load and post-harvest effect. In collaboration with CSIC-CEBAS (Murcia).
Solarisation temperatures, its effects and efficiency against illness and virus diseases
In collaboration with Las Palmerillas/Cajamar.
Chlorate and perchlorate performance in tomato crops.
Irrigation water control. In collaboration with Las Palmerillas/Cajamar.
Toroidal technology applied to irrigation water Study.
This technology purifies water, favouring hydration and nutrient absorption in the plants.
Ultrasound moisturising technology. Post-harvest effects on courgettes and cherry and vine tomatoes.
Studies the effects on quality, weight-loss, freshness and packaging damages while being refrigerated.
Post-harvesting effect of laser-engraved tomatoes
The effect on the post-harvesting preservation of tomatoes using laser screen printing technology.
Application of edible coats on tomatoes
The application of different doses of edible coats on tomatoes are analysed to check their post-harvesting and life performance.
Sustainability projects
Nefertiti project
In collaboration with the University of Almeria
Setting up a connected network at European level, in order to exchang knowledge as well as sustainable production techniques.
S3 project
Integrated management system for tasty, sustainable and healthy tomatoes
Food safety, agriculture and sustainable and zero waste production strategies. A CDTI (Spanish Industrial Research Agency) project driven by CASI and co-funded by FEDER funds.
Viruses in crops
In collaboration with IFAPA and University of Valencia
Research in prevention and control of viruses in horticultural crops
Phenotyping evaluation
In collaboration with TECNOVA and University of Almería
Management of microorganisms in fertiirrigation and creation of tomato predictive models through sensorization.